Filing A Claim – Follow our 5 easy steps

After flood damage has occurred and it is safe to return to your home, the first thing to do is file a claim, or first notice of loss with your insurer. You can file a claim through one of the following options:

  • Report online at if you have a flood insurance policy with one of the companies listed here Providers, or
  • Contact your agent to report a flood insurance claim, or
  • If you cannot reach your agent, you can always contact our Claims Department, we have agents available to take your claim 24-hours a day 7 days a week. You can contact us on this emergency number 1.800.759.8656.

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It is very important to ensure that you record proof of flood damages to your property. However, before you do so, please ensure that it is safe to enter your building. Once you are sure it is safe, take as many pictures and videos of your flood-damaged property as possible. It is important to capture both inside and outside your building.

Note: Ensure that you capture the make, model and the serial number of all appliances, mechanicals (hot water heaters, furnaces, HVAC equipment etc.) and electronic equipment damaged by the flood.

Ensure that you throw away items that pose a health risk, for example, perishable food, spills, and other harmful substances after taking pictures of them. Samples of other items like curtains, flooring, and furnishing should be kept for inspection.

An adjuster is assigned to each claim and investigates insurance claims by visiting the property and inspecting damage. Based upon the inspection of damages your adjuster will work with you and the insurance company to determine the amount of damages that will be paid for your claim.

Within 24 hours from the time you officially filed a claim, you should get a call from your flood insurance adjuster to schedule an inspection. When your adjuster arrives, ensure that he/she properly identifies themselves to you. Ask to see an official office identification before allowing them access to your property. During the inspection, your adjuster will take photos, take room and structure measurements and record damaged items. Make sure to point out all damaged building areas and contents items to the adjuster. The adjuster will work with you to determine an accurate estimate of your  covered flood damage. 

After your adjuster has completed their inspection and written their estimate, you will receive a package containing your adjuster’s report and a proof of loss form for you to sign. After you’ve reviewed and agree with the adjuster’s estimate, sign and return the proof of loss and a check will be issued for your claim. The check for the building will be issued in your name and that of your mortgage company if you have a mortgage on the property. If at a later time you discover omitted items, or additional damages, you have the ability to submit a claim for additional payment.


Additional Resources & FEMA Documentation
