5 Steps To Buying A Flood Policy
- Check your property’s risk and flood zone
- Collect some basic details on your property
- Contact one of our agents 800.884.4686
- Determine your coverage needs
- Receive a quote for your premium
Information Needed For A Flood Quote
- Property Address
- Construction Year
- Occupancy Type (Commercial or Residential Use)
- Foundation Type
- Number of Floors
You can get started immediately by speaking with one of our agents who can guide you through the process.
What else do I need to know?
What else do I need to know?
You can purchase the government-backed National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) coverage from specific private insurance companies that have agreed to sell them on behalf of the government. Pricing is set by the Government and is the same for all participating insurance companies.
If you’re in a lower risk area, you may be able to get a quote with as few as 7 questions.
What payment options are there?
What payment options are there?
If this is the first time you are purchasing a flood insurance plan, the payment must first be made in full to your agent before your application to request for coverage can be submitted to the insurance company.
If you live in a high-risk flood area, you may be required to pay for your flood insurance coverage through an escrow account.
How long will flood insurance take to be effective?
Normally, a standard 30-day waiting period applies when purchasing a Flood Insurance policy. There are some cases when a waiting period does not apply – talk to your agent to know more.
How Do I Renew A Flood Insurance Policy?

Flood insurance does not renew automatically, so it is very important to pay on time when your insurance company notifies you of the expiration of your insurance. If you’ve received a flood insurance renewal bill from one of the companies listed here, you can pay online at MyFlood.com.
Allowing your policy to lapse can have serious ramifications. If your flood insurance expires for more than 90 days, or twice for any number of days, you may no longer be eligible for the discounted rate you may have got.